
German concern about coronavirus reaches lowest level since October 2020

German concern about coronavirus reaches lowest level since October 2020

Maybe it’s because the holidays are here and the weather is fine, or perhaps because the incidence rate is low and the European Championships have been providing a welcome distraction, but concern for the coronavirus in Germany is dropping rapidly. 

Concern about coronavirus falling in Germany

Politicians might be sounding the alarm about the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant of COVID-19, but people in Germany aren’t particularly alarmed. That’s the finding of a new survey published by Ipsos. 

In June 2021 only four out of 10 respondents (41 percent) named coronavirus as one of their greatest concerns, the lowest value since October last year. In May, one in two people (51 percent) said that one of their greatest concerns was coronavirus. 

Global concern falls to lowest level since beginning of pandemic

Other topics on the worry agenda included poverty and social inequality (34 percent named this as a top concern), and climate change (29 percent). No other country worldwide is so worried about the environment. While anxiety about coronavirus is gradually dipping, concerns about crime and violence (23 percent) and immigration (23 percent) are slightly on the up. 

A global comparison shows that worries about coronavirus are dipping pretty much all around the world, with a global average of 36 percent citing the virus as one of their top concerns. This is the lowest worldwide value measured since the beginning of the pandemic. 



Abi Carter

Abi studied History & German at the University of Manchester. She has since worked as a writer, editor and content marketeer, but still has a soft spot for museums, castles...

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