
Where are German public transport tickets getting more expensive in 2024?

Where are German public transport tickets getting more expensive in 2024?

Public transport in several German cities and regions is expected to get more expensive in 2024. Here’s what you need to know ahead of the price changes.

German public transport costs will rise in 2024

Several public transport associations in Germany are planning to raise prices from January 1, 2024. According to reports by the dpa, the public transport network in Berlin and Brandenburg (VBB), in Munich (MVV) and the VRR, which covers nineteen cities in North Rhine-Westphalia, will all raise prices.

People using public transport in Berlin and Brandenburg will see ticket costs go up by an average of 6,7 percent come the new year. However, Berliners also have the re-launch of the 29-euro city-wide ticket to look forward to, which should make its comeback on July 1, 2024.

In Munich, passengers will see one of the lowest price rises in the country, with tickets set to get 4,3 percent more expensive. The MVV has said that it has avoided passing on a price rise of 10,8 percent to customers, the amount required to keep up with the increased costs of running the service.

Further north in Bavaria, tickets for transportation in Augsburg will see the biggest New Year price rise in the whole of Germany. Tickets for travelling on AVV-run services will go up by 12,7 percent for the bus and train come January 1, 2024.

Passengers travelling with the VRS in North Rhine-Westphalia, which covers Cologne and Bonn, will see a 10,4 percent price rise, and those in the area covered by the VRR, which includes Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Essen and sixteen other cities will pay 9,4 percent more, meaning the cheapest single ticket will set you back 3,30 euros. 

Transport associations say energy costs are behind price rises

In Germany, public transport services are financed by regional funds and ticket revenue, which is the only funding tap that transport companies can turn on themselves when they need to compensate for higher service costs. At the moment, the cost of energy and staff is being used to justify the price rises.

In 2024, the Deutschlandticket is also set to be the 49-euro ticket no longer, with the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) predicting the subscription will cost 59 euros per month in 2024.

Thumb image credit: UschiDaschi /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan



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