
German supermarket giant Aldi to phase out meat from battery farms

German supermarket giant Aldi to phase out meat from battery farms

The German supermarket Aldi has announced plans to stop selling meat from farms with poor animal welfare standards by 2030. 

Greenpeace have branded the decision as a ‘milestone’

The animal welfare group Greenpeace has praised the retailer, and expressed hope that other food retailers in Germany would follow Aldi’s example. 

The president of the German Animal Welfare Federation, Thomas Schroeder, also welcomed the company’s decision to uphold higher standards for animal treatment, but critics say that the move will make meat more expensive in the sausage-loving federal republic. 

The Bild newspaper already moved to criticise the decision, adding that, “One kilogram of mince for 0,99 euros will no longer be available at the supermarket” and branding the move an “Aldi-Bombshell”.

Aldi is paving the way for better animal welfare in Germany

In German supermarkets, meat is sold according to an animal welfare rating - the scale goes from one to four, with one being the poorest conditions. Aldi has set an ambitious target to make all its meat produce to adhere to levels three and four by 2030. 

To achieve this, the company is working quickly to make sure that 15 percent of meat in its stores adhere to levels three and four by the end of 2021, and hopes to increase this to 33 percent by 2026. The company also plans to stop selling the lowest-welfare meat, such as those rated “level one”, completely by 2025. 

International and frozen goods will however not be subject to the new strict standards. 

Emily Proctor


Emily Proctor

Emily grew up in the UK before moving abroad to study International Relations and Chinese. After this, she obtained a Master's degree in International Security and gained an interest in...

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