
FrauFUTURE: Finance and career coaching for expat women in Germany

FrauFUTURE: Finance and career coaching for expat women in Germany


Attaining financial autonomy is a necessity for everyone, and women in particular cannot afford to overlook its significance. Most expats struggle with navigating the career and finance world in Germany, lacking the intuitive understanding they had in their home country. FrauFUTURE fills this gap and offers specialised career coaching and financial advice for female expats in Germany.

FrauFUTURE was created to support women in solving challenges expats face while working and saving in Germany.

Germany can be frustratingly different

Germany's finance and career worlds seem to follow the same rules as most other western countries, but there are deviations you'll notice as you delve deeper. For instance, having more than one or two credit cards - regardless of perfect balance - can lower your credit score. Why? Because you could max them all out tomorrow, making you an unpredictable business partner today. 

Stuff like this you can either find out the hard way - or you can take part in one of FrauFUTURE’s highly recommended webinars and workshops, book a 1:1 on finance and career topics, or participate in their mentoring programme

Their comprehensive range of services provide expert insights and guidance on the German pension system, professional financial planning to achieve future goals, top-notch career coaching, and addressing any other pertinent concerns. Additionally, they offer Access Bars sessions which release physical and mental blocks. 

Female staff and eye-to-eye talks 

Everybody at FrauFUTURE is either an expat themselves or travels so extensively that the German word Fernweh (longing to travel) is their middle name. They all speak great English and German, and often even a third language, and they’re all women. Their drive and talent inspire.

This fact has led FrauFUTURE to revolutionise the finance and career world. Unlike male advisors in overpriced suits, they take time to educate clients, providing the support and knowledge needed for full literacy. That's why they are currently developing a Finance Academy. It's a six-week online course that enables you to acquire knowledge at your own pace, helping you make informed decisions for your own benefit.

Additionally, reviews from expats often mention how pleasantly surprised they were that they instantly felt at ease in the meetings, even though they talked to someone new about very private matters like workplace issues or sorting out their finances. Also, they never felt like they were just being sold on something. Quite the contrary: reviews show that FrauFUTURE meets clients eye-to-eye, as if you were talking to a friend. 

Talk to the experts at FrauFUTURE

Looking to explore further? Rest assured FrauFUTURE is here to offer you valuable assistance.



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