
German man takes restaurant to court over expensive champagne

German man takes restaurant to court over expensive champagne

A man in Düsseldorf has gotten himself into a little-bittle of a champagne pickle, landing him and the managers of a French brasserie in a court battle over a sizeable bill.

Düsseldorf man takes French restaurant to court

A man who was perhaps too eager to flash the cash has now ended up taking a French brasserie to court over a misunderstood champagne order.

On a night out at Mon Ami Maxi in Düsseldorf, the man requested a “special bottle” for his table, perhaps to celebrate a new commission or salary with his fellow diners. The restaurant sommelier obliged, presenting the group with a 13.000-euro, 6-litre bottle of Roederer Cristal.

None the wiser to the price tag, the diner accepted the bottle, grabbed a knife and performed his own sabrage to impress his fellow guests.

German man looks at champagne bill, gets terrible fright

While he may have been embarrassed to have just performed such a silly, macho act, the worst was yet to come. When the bill arrived, sobriety immediately kicked in with the sight of the six-figure price printed on his receipt. 

The champagne-popping man claims that the waiter should have quoted him the 13.000-euro price before finalising the order, and since Mon Amis Maxi's managers say it was the customer who is in the wrong, the case will be settled in the Regional Court of the German city on May 15. Amis no more.

Thumb image credit: ivanchenko_maxim /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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