
10 percent of Deutschlandticket holders have cancelled their subscription

10 percent of Deutschlandticket holders have cancelled their subscription

The 49-euro Deutschlandticket took Germany by storm at the beginning of May 2023. Now, five months and over 11 million sales later, 10 percent of subscription holders have decided the ticket wasn’t worth all the fuss after all.

10 percent of 49-euro ticket subscriptions are cancelled

According to a nationwide survey by the Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (VDV), 10 percent of people who had a 49-euro ticket have now ended their subscriptions. 

The ticket, which enables holders unlimited travel on local and regional public transport throughout Germany for 49-euros per month, is only possible to purchase with a rolling payment which has some pernickety requirements if holders would like to end their subscription.

The VDV also released information about which type of customers were not won over by the ticket. 7 percent of “Abo-Umsteigern”, those who moved from a different, local transport subscription to the Deutschlandticket when it was released in the spring, cancelled subscriptions. 17 percent of new Deutschlandticket customers who were previously buying a ticket for every journey are now unconvinced by the new offer, and 19 percent of customers who were previously driving have returned to the autobahn.

Why are people cancelling their Deutschlandtickets?

Since its release the Deutschlandticket has received its fair share of praise and criticism. For people living in German cities and towns the ticket is a real winner, but the sentiment isn’t shared everywhere across the country.

People living in more rural parts of Germany are questioning if the ticket is worth the cost for them. Back in August Detlef Neuß, Federal Chairperson of the Passenger Association PRO BAHN, pointed out that “There are still municipalities which have more than 100 residents but don’t have a single connection to the public transport network,” Neuß told ZDF. “The Deutschlandticket has not given these people anything, because they often have to travel multiple kilometres to reach the next bus stop or train station - the ticket is next to worthless for them.”

It is easy to see how this cohort of people feel uninspired to take a trip with the Deutschlandticket and keep paying for the subscription each month. But speaking to ntv,  a spokesperson from the VDV said that the 10 percent of people cancelling their subscriptions is an example of the “coming and going” attitude to the Deutschlandticket subscription.

The spokesperson said that the holiday period will also have played a role in the trend. Going on holiday for a few weeks during the summer might be the motivation for a regular commuter to cancel their subscription. Likewise, taking a holiday trip within Germany might be the reason that someone who normally travels to work by car decided to purchase a subscription during the summer months.

Thumb image credit: nikkimeel /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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