
Baby boom: Number of births rises in Germany for first time since 2017

Baby boom: Number of births rises in Germany for first time since 2017

Could the predicted coronavirus baby boom finally be materialising? New figures from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) show that the number of babies born in Germany rose slightly in 2021, meaning the total fertility rate has risen for the first time since 2017. 

Mini baby boom hit Germany in 2021

In 2021, a grand total of 795.492 new children were brought into the world in Germany, around 22.000 more than in 2020. As Destatis reported last week, this means that the so-called total fertility rate (the number of children a hypothetical cohort of women would have during their lives if they were subject to the current fertility rate) rose for the first time since 2017 - and quite significantly - from 1,53 children per women in 2020 to 1,58 in 2021.

Destatis said that there were two likely reasons behind the increase in the number of births being registered: the relatively stable situation on the labour market in Germany in 2021, combined with the “special situation during the coronavirus pandemic at the time of conception.” In other words, couples were mostly in secure jobs with good salaries, and spending a lot more time together in lockdown. 

Birth rate rising quicker in western Germany

The birth rate rose strongest in the western federal states of Germany. The increase was particularly strong in Baden-Württemberg, where it rose by 5 percent, Bavaria and Hesse (4 percent). The birth rate increased less in the east, and even fell in Thuringia and Saxony. The overall birth rate was highest in Lower Saxony, with 1,66 children per woman, and lowest in Berlin, at 1,39.

Among women with German citizenship, the fertility rate rose significantly in 2021, to 1,49 children per woman (up from 1,43). The fertility rate among non-German women remained almost unchanged at 2,01 children per woman (up from 2,00). 

The average age of first-time mothers in 2021 was 30,5 years, and for fathers it was 33,3 years. Overall (regardless of whether it was the woman’s first, second or whatever number child), women were on average 31,8 years old at the time of giving birth, while fathers were 34,7 years old. 



Abi Carter

Managing Editor at IamExpat Media. Abi studied German and History at the University of Manchester and has since lived in Berlin, Hamburg and Utrecht, working since 2017 as a writer,...

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